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Analysis of classes of student media club (for example, the study of creativity M. Antonioni)
Belavinа Alexandra Olegovna 1

1. FGBOU IN "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute of AP Chekhov "


The article is an example of a class with students of Media Club, where students watched and discussed film M. Antonioni´s "Eclipse." During the discussion organized by the students, it was concluded that the cinematographic viewing M. Antonioni must be accompanied by semantic skills, emotional frame of reference, understanding of the meaning, the author of cinematographic pledged as obvious and hidden. Conducting classes contributed to the development of the students the basic law of the mounting thinking, understanding of the dynamical properties of associative, emotional, imaginative content of multiple frames, a change which is aimed at the disclosure of the emotional state of the author.

Keywords: mediaklub, students, media competence, film, installation thinking, the author´s position.

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